Message in a bottle: What!

Don't handicap yourself!

You can create order out of chaos but you can't create - at all, out of order

The minute you put your ideas in lists you become locked into linear thought. that's a handicap. This doesn't need to be a linear medium, if you work that way you're not making the most of what's on offer.Image of man in narrow lobby with no escape!

Find ways to break any old straight line habits you may have!

Dump all you ideas chaotically on a big page misspellings scrawls and all.
It might be that a linear method will be your best solution but if you start off that way, you'll never know.

Laying it out like this also allows you to see how the information groups itself, how best to section or chop it into discrete digestible units and where information should be repeated to maintain sense.


It also allows you to better apply your mission statement and objectives letting them work the ideas and information into the direction you intend to go.

This is also the best stage to bring in professional designers, now you have a grip of the content and a direction. Letting them see where you want to go lets them contribute their experience and skills to get you there.

Good design is like good programming - you get the message - you enjoy the software - the work and sweat gone into making it so is invisible. My motto is:

Communication not decoration

If a bit is not earning it's keep throw it out, make everything work hard for your mission.

Who Why Hook Chop Dog to start